[121224] Taemin's good point Onew: He is like a chopstick~ ♥♥♥ Onew’s good points Onew: “I am very cute!” Taemin: “I really like onew-hyung” ♥♥♥ Onew draw lots from a box and picked one (mission) that requires him to make eye contact with a person without blinking. (Onew picked Taemin). When Onew called out Taemin at the start, Taemin had already burst out laughing and said "wait, wait a moment ^^ please re-start". But in the end, Taemin immediately burst out laughing again. Taemin said that Onew's expression looks really interesting/funny from the front view. Onew then did the same to the camera - that is, the cute action where both of Onew's eyebrows moved.